
The Three Loeck Sisters

This website is a family history website that summarizes some of the genealogical connections, as well as biographical information of some of the individual members of those families, that make up the direct ancestors of three sisters: Nora Loeck who married Harry Man, Ida Loeck who married Charles Collet, and Gerda Loeck who married Edgar Schuess; collectively known as “The Three Loeck Sisters”. 

A few of the ancestors of The Loeck Sisters have extensive biographical information written about them and in such cases we have left it to the visitor to refer to those other sources and have instead provided here only the briefest biographical outlines about such individuals.

An example of this would be the Loeck sisters’ great X grandfather Georg Adam Struve whose life is well documented, as is his son’s Burchard Gotthelf Struve. On the other hand, where there is a relation whose life is sparsely described an attempt has been made to collect as much information as we can on that individual in order make up for the lack of detail. An example this would be the sisters great X uncle Georg Adam Brunner. Unfortunately much of information about these individuals’ lives has had to be discarded and details omitted because the record is in either Latin or German, a language that is not familiar to the producer of this website.

We are fortunate that the level of education reached by the Struve and related families was quite high and many left their mark on society either as professors of law, or medicine, or philosophy, or as traders who often held high civic offices. Many of these individuals also left a written record in the form of legal treatise, philosophical speculations, histories, and biographies. All of these were written in either German or Latin.

Above, Georg Adam Struve and his second wife Susanna Berlich.

We will use  * to indicate date of birth , + to indicate date of death, and oo to indicate date of marriage. The two letters DN when found in front of a male parson’s name stands for Domini which roughly translates as ‘Sir’ or ‘Lord’ – an honorific.

The Loeck Sisters: Ida, Gerda, and Nora

The Three Loeck Sisters’ Descent from Charlemagne:

1.         Charlemagne X Hildegard of Vinzgau

2.         Carloman / Pepin of Italy (777 – 810) X N. N. Concubine

3.         Bernard King of the Lombard (797 – 818) X Kunigunde von Gellone

4.         Pepin II Pépin Count of Vermandois (c. 817— after 850) X N. N. 

5.         Heribert I von Vermandois (850 – 907) X Bertha von Morvois OR Lietgardis

6.         Heribert II von Vermandois (880 – 943) X Adela von Frankreich

7.         Adele von Vermandois X Arnulf I von Flandern (889 – 964)

8.         Balduin III von Flandern (940 – 962) X Mathilde von Sachsen

9.         Arnulf II von Flandern (960 – 987) X Rozela (or Susanna) of Ivrea (959 – 1003)

10.       Balduin IV Schönbart von Flandern (980 – 1035) X Eleonore von der Normandie (1009 – 1070)

11.       Judith von Flandern (1032 – 1094) X Welf IV Von Baiern (1029 – 1101)

12.       Heinrich IX. der Schwarze von Bayern (1073 – 1126) X Wulfhilde Billung Von Sachsen

13.       Mathilde von Baiern (1112 – 1183) X Gebhard III von Sulzbach (1109 – 1188)

14.       Elisabeth von Sulzbach (1140 – 1205) X Rapoto von Ortenburg (1135 – 1186)

15.       Heinrich von Ortenburg (1177 – 1241) X Bozislava Jutta Přemysl

16.       Osanna von Ortenburg (1238 – 1287) X Konrad von Ehrenfels (1238 – 1288)

17.       Konrad von Ehrenfels der Jüngere (1280 – 1332) X N. N.

18.       Konrad von Ehrenfels der Jüngste (1300 – 1349) X Agnes von Stauff

19.       Praxedis von Ehrenfels (ca. 1325) X Johan IV von Nothaft (ca. 1330 – ca. 1391)

20.       Anna von Nothaft von Hetzkoven (ca. 1365 – 1426) X Ulrich Trainer (ca. 1355 – ca. 1412)

21.       Erasmus Trainer (ca. 1400 – 1481) X Ursula Probst (ca. 1410 – 1448)

22.       Hans Trainer (1430 – 1507) X Walpurgis Portner (ca 1450 – 1480/85)

23.       Paul Trainer (1472 – 1552) X Magdalena Alnpeck (ca. 1490 –  )

24.       Catharine Trainer (1516 – 1583) X Wolfgang Hilliger (1511 – 1576)

25.       Oswald Hilliger (1550 – 1609/10) X Ann Schönleben (1562 – March 1646)

26.       Oswald Hilliger (1583 – 1619) X Margarethe Horn (1594 – 1622)

27.       Barbara Hilliger (1618 – 1663) X Burchard Berlich (1603 – 1670)

28.      Susannah Berlich (1647 – 1699) X George Adam Struve (1619 – 1692)

29.       Friedrich Gottlieb Struve (1676 – 1752) X Johanna Dorothea Werner (1686 – 1742)

30.       Christiane Regina Struve (1721 – 1776) X Carl Friedrich Schwers (1720 – 1760)

31.       Diederich Cornelius Schwers (1755 – 1798) X Margaret Elisabetha Bielfeld (1761 – 1833)

32.       Anna Christina Schwers (1781 – 1852) X Christoph Friedrich Hans Broekel (1779 – 1823)

33.       Anna Margaretha Broekel (1814 – 1889) X Hermann Franz Ursa Loeck (1809 – 1871)

34.       Otto Henning Christian Loeck (1856 – 1929) X Eleanor Ida Clara May (1864 – 1921)

35.       The Three Loeck sisters: Nora, Ida and Gerda

Below, the graves of Otto Loeck (1856 – 1929) and Eleanor May (1864 – 1921) at Hamburg.