Friedrich Gottlieb Struve was born in Jena on 10th November 1676 and died in Kiel on 23rd July 1752. He was the fifth son of Georg Adam Struve from his second marriage to Susannah Berlich. He is the direct ancestor of The Three Loeck Sisters, being their Nth great grandfather through his second marriage to Johanna Dorothea Werner. She was born on 7 January 1686 at Sondershausen and she married Friedrich Gottlieb on 6 November 1709 at Jena and she died on 19 June 1742 at Kiel. From this marriage a number of children emerged who have their own pages on this website such as:
- Anton Sebastian Struve, 1729 – 1802
- Christiane Regina Struve, 1721 – 1776 (The Three Loeck Sisters direct ancestor)
- Charlotte Magdalene Struve, 1717 – 1759 who married: i) her cousin Ernst Gotthold Struve and ii) Johann Deodat Blumentrost
- Wilhelm Otto Struve, 1718-1791 and his son Henri 1751 – 1826.
- Carl Wilhelm Friedrich Struve, 1723 – 1781
After Johanna Dorothea died in 1742, Friedrich Gottlieb married Maria Susanne Lueders (1697 – 1774), the widow of Dethard Schwers (1661 – 1720). Dethard and Maria were the parents of Carl Friedrich Schwers (1720 – 1760) who married Christiane Regina Struve (1721 – 1776) the daughter of Friedrich Gottlieb.
In 1689 he was sent to the gymnasium at Halle, which he attended for seven years. He then attended the University of Jena for two years to study law, which he continued in 1698 again at Halle. In 1700, after completing his education, he went on unspecified business to Westphalia, where he remained for two years. Returning home, he obtained a doctorate in law with the title: Tractatus juridicus de balneis ac balneatoribus, Von Bade Stuben und Badern secundum leges et instituta Romanorum ac usum hodiernu … , i.e., from “bathing and bathing baths” (Jena 1703). After his doctorate, he held a series of civil law lectures at the university. In 1710 he published: Ehrenfrid. Geieri Consiliarii Schoenburg. Observationes Ad Ius Et …
Left, Systema jurisprudentiae opificiariae … secund. usum … imperii hodiern.additis documentis … Right, Collationum Juridicarum Inter Jus Lubecense Et Hamburgense Specimen …
In 1703 a book was published titled: Adriani Beieri, D. Pandectarum Professoris Publici Ordinarii, Curiæ Provinc. Et Scab … which contains a section on the life of Friedrich Gottlieb:
In 1706 Struve published Dissertatio Ivridica De Frvctibvs Pendentibvs which included two members of the Brunner family Ernst George Brunner and Johann Samuel Brunner.
In 1708 Friedrich Gottleib published Dissertatio Juridica De Jurisdictione Prorogata with a dedication to Josias von Qualen.
In the same year, Friedrich Gottlieb Struve published a book of his father’s legal works. It included a portrait which was preserved in the digital version which is rare. It also included a piece by Christian Wildvogel.
In 1712 he was promoted to Court Adjunct in Jena, and he then became ducal Counselor in Hildburghausen in 1722, as well as a professor at the Gymnasium. In the following year (1723) he was promoted to the Government and Consistorial Council while retaining his professorship. Two years later (1725) he traveled north to Kiel, where he advanced in 1737 to the title of first professor of law and professorial faculty, in which capacity he died at the age of 76 years.
Struve was a very active writer who wrote a series of dissertations and programs from 1704 – 1752. In addition, he edited two major collections of his father’s decisions, one of which bears the title: Decisiones juris opificariari centum et aliquot … (Jena 1708, 2nd edition 1711). The other: Decisiones Sabbathinae, Canonicae, et Practicae selectiores de Conventibus et Contractibus … , etc. (1717), and he attached to this his father’s first three disputations “de opificibus”. He also dealt extensively with the works of Adrian Baier (who was born in 1634 in Jena, where he also died as the full professor of the Pandects on September 7, 1698).
In 1711 he published, Fridr. Gottlieb Struvii, Cur. Provinc. Sax. Advoc. Ord. Compendium … Accesserunt Textus Cardinales Ex Digestis, … , and in 1713 Tractatus de pace domestica vulgo vom Haus-Frieden …
In 1716 he published Dissertatio Academica De Iure Thematum … and in 1720 he first published Martini Lipenii Bibliotheca realis juridica post virorum clarissimorum … which was regularly reprinted for over one hundred years.
In 1718 he was responsible for supervising the dissertation of Friedrich August Werner’s Dissertatio iuridica de iure ex persona tertii quaesito ….
In 1722 he published: D. Adrian Beiers, ICti Allgemeines Handlungs- Kunst- Berg- Und… Dissertatio Iuris Germanici De Lucro Dotis Eiusque Privilegio Dissertatio Iuris Germanici De Lucro Dotis Eiusque Privilegio. And, right: Dissertatio Iuris Germanici De Lucro Dotis Eiusque Privilegio … 1726.
In 1729 at Kiel, Friedrich Gottlieb contributed a book chapter to: De Edictali Creditorum Citatione Vulgo Proclamate Secundum (left). In 1731 he publicly examined a student Matthias Hinrich Oppermann on his dissertation: Dissertatio Academica De Eo Qvod Ivstvm Est Circa Vocem Vivam In Processv Civili Et Criminali … published by the Kiel University stationer and book seller Nicolaus Lüders into whose family a descendant of Friedrich’s married.
In 1730 he published: Positiones Iuris Canonici Atque Ecclesiastici Iuxta Seriem Decretalium Et Praxin Imperii Ac Ecclesiarum Protestantium
When Johanna Dorothea (Werner) Struve died in 1742 a funeral book was published titled Progr. Exequias funeris Joannae Dorotheae Struviae, coniugis quondam Frider. Gottl. Struvii … [Not yet digitized].
In 1744, a number of family members – Friedrich Gottlieb, Anton Sebastian and Friedrich Christian – were involved in the publication of: Dissertatio Academica De Commodis Et Incommodis …
Finally, in 1751, Diss. … de repraesentatione personae adhuc viventis … A list of his writings can be found in Meusel XIII, 504 u. f. Weidlich, History of the Now Living Jurists II.
Friedrich Gottlieb married first, Catharina Sophia Zulich (August 04, 1689 – May 26, 1708). She and Struve had one son Georg Michael who survived three days. Catharina died while giving birth to her son. She was the daughter of theologian Michael Zulich (1653-1721) and sister of Michael Friedrich Zulich.
On the death of Catharina Sophie (Zulich) Struve in 1708 Friedrich’s brother Burchard Gotthelf Struve published a funeral sermon: Mortem Lectissimae Foeminae Catharinae Sophiae Struviae Natae Zulichiae Luget Et Quae Vera Sit Mors Tempestiva Demonstrat Burcard Gotthelff Struve.
Below, Friedrich’s father in law Michael Zulich (19.05.1653-09.09.1721) who from 1682 was deacon, pastor primarius and superintendent in Jena.
Friedrich Gottlieb Struve cooperated with his brothers in law such as Johann Otto Zulich and Michael Friedrich Zulich, in writing poems in honor of Friedemann Andreas Zulich (1687 – 1748) published in Mens Honorifica Et Benevola Quam Cum in Inclyta ad Varnum Academia Licentiatura …
In 1717 Struve was the presiding professor on his brother in law Michael Friedrich Zulich’s dissertation: De ivre alchymiae. Vom Recht der Alchymisterey … :
In 1717 Friedrich Gottlieb’s mother in law, Agatha Wilhelmina (Zesch) Zulich, died and he affixed his name to the title of her funeral sermon book Die Ruhe der Seeligen Wolte Bey Absterben Der Hoch-Edlen, Hoch-Ehr- und Tugendbelobten Frauen Agathen Wilhelminen Zülichin gebohrnen Zeschin …